“Post-acute Sequelae and Symptomatology of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Survey Among Professional and Amateur Voice Users”paper. Voice Foundation Annual Symposium, 2023
“Professional Singers Teaching Commercial Styles” paper. Voice Foundation Annual Symposium, 2022
“Contemporary Commercial Music (CCM) Survey: Current State of Who's Teaching What
in Non-Classical Music” paper. Voice Foundation Annual Symposium, 2021 -
“Do Choral Conductors and Their Clientele Seek the Same Vocal Health Advice” paper. Presenting at the PAVA Symposium, 2021
“Vocal Health Practices of Choral Conductors” paper. Voice Foundation Annual Symposium, 2020
“Does Training Change for Classical Singers after College" paper. Presenting at the PAVA Symposium, 2020
“Vocal Health Care Survey Among Classical Singers” paper. Presenting at the Voice Foundation Annual Symposium, 2019
"Do Classical Singers Maintain Training Program Post College" (with Marquita Lister, Linda Carroll), Presenting at the Voice Foundation Annual Symposium, 2019
“Pathology Pathways of Professional Singers Singing in Multiple Styles” paper. Presenting at the Voice Foundation Annual Symposium, 2019
They’re Injured! 377 Voice Educators’ Retraining Approaches, (with Rachelle Fleming, Linda Carroll, Gwen Korovin and Wendy Leborgne), Presented at the PAVA/VASTA joint Symposium, 2018
“Body & Voice: A Collaborative Approach for Addressing Voice Issues” (with Ting-Yu Chen and Kathleen Bell), Presented at the PAVA/VAST joint Symposium, 2018
Pathology Pathways Actors vs Music Theatre Singers, (with Rachelle Fleming, Linda Carroll, Gwen Korovin), paper Presenting at the Voice Foundation Annual Symposium, 2018
Do Vocal Performers Maintain Training Program Post College Degree, (with Rachelle Fleming, Linda Carroll, Gwen Korovin), paper. Presented at the Voice Foundation Annual Symposium, 2018
Voice Educators' Vocal Health Referral Practices for Singers (with Rachelle Fleming, Linda Carroll, Gwen Korovin and Wendy Leborgne), paper. Presented at the PAVA Annual Symposium, 2017
Retraining Voice Users with a Diagnosed Vocal Pathology, (with Rachelle Fleming, Linda Carroll, Gwen Korovin and Wendy Leborgne), paper. Presented at the Voice Foundation Annual Symposium, 2017
Voice Educators’ Vocal Health Referral Practices Singers (with Rachelle Fleming, Linda Carroll, Gwen Korovin and Wendy Leborgne), paper. Presented at the PAVA Annual Symposium, 2016
Do Amateurs and Professionals Seek the Same Vocal Health Advice?: Survey of 1195 Voice Users (with Rachelle Fleming, Linda Carroll and Gwen Korovin), paper. Presented at the PAVA Annual Symposium, 2016
Vocal Health Care Survey among Amateur and Professional Voice Users (with Rachelle Fleming, Linda Carroll and Gwen Korovin), paper. Presented at the Voice Foundation’s 45th Annual Symposium, 2016
Survey of Vocal Health Referral Practices for Singers (with Rachelle Fleming, Linda Carroll, Gwen Korovin and Wendy Leborgne), paper. Presented at the Voice Foundation’s Annual Symposium, 2016
Absolute Range in Singers (with Lisa Popeil), paper. Presented at the Voice Foundation’s 38th Annual Symposium, 2011.
A Preliminary Study of Absolute Vocal Range in Singers (with Lisa Popeil), paper
Presented at the 6th International Conference on the Physiology and Acoustics of Singing in Las Vegas, 2012
Teaching Someone with a Vocal Pathology, paper
Presented at the International Voice Foundation’s 38th Annual Symposium, 2009.
Vocal Health Care Survey Among 70 Voice Teachers and Singers, paper
Presented at the International Voice Foundation’s 37th Annual Symposium, 2008
Follow-up Contemporary Commercial Music (CCM): Who's Teaching What in Nonclassical Music (with Jeannette LoVetri), paper. Presented at the Voice Foundation¹s 35th Annual Symposium, 2006 The first study published in the Journal of Voice, 2003 lead to the development of the CCM Vocal Pedagogy Institute at Shenandoah University.
The Civil War from the Piano Bench Soloist, Creative Scholarship Day Winchester, Virginia 2005 multimedia presentation with flute, piano and four voices will present authentic songs sung on the home front and at the battlefield during the Civil War.
Invited by and performed at the National Association of Teachers of Singing foundation to present 20th century vocal chamber music at the National Convention in New Orleans, July 2004.
"Contemporary Commercial Music (CCM) Survey" (with Jeannette LoVetri), Paper
Presented at the Voice Science Foundation’s 31st Annual Symposium, 2002.
A Preliminary Study: Comparison of Voice Production in Contemporary Commercial Music (CCM) and Operatic Literature (with Kathryn Green), paper